For Government
How might we be involved in the project?
Federal Government
The research team is grateful for the support of four Federal Government partners:
Department of Education
Department of Social Services
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The research team would like to hear from any other Federal Government agencies interested in the research and/or conducting work in the area of children’s wellbeing.
State and territory Governments
The research team will be engaging with state and territory governments throughout the duration of the project. We understand that there are a number of ongoing activities concerning children’s wellbeing taking place across states and territories at present. The research team is keen to meet with agencies in states and territories and discuss our mutual interest in understanding and measuring the wellbeing of young people in their middle years, and to discuss possible opportunities to work together to this end while avoiding any duplication of activity.
The team is also very interested in consulting and collaborating with state government agencies when approaching educational jurisdictional authorities and subsequently schools in each State.
Local Governments
The research team is partnering with a number of agencies and organisations that have contact with children and young people through services or youth programs in the qualitative phase of the study. In particular, the research team is building partnerships with these agencies and organisations to assist in the recruitment of a diverse range of young people for the qualitative work, and in the design and conduct of the research with young people. The research team welcomes contact from local government agencies working with children and young people.
Further information
The results of the research will be published in a series of reports on different phases of the project. These are available via the Findings/Resources page. The reports will be posted on this website so that they are accessible to interested parties from all levels of government across Australia.
If you are interested in talking with the research team, discussing how your agencies/organisations may collaborate in any stage of the project, or would like any further information about any part of the project, the ACWP team would be very happy to speak with you.