
Welcome to ACWP

Towards a 'good life' for children in their middle years

As a new child-centred study, The Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP) involved children’s perspectives to design and conduct Australia’s first major nationally representative and internationally comparable survey of wellbeing among children aged 8-14 years.

The ACWP survey was rolled out to a national probability sample of students in Years 4, 6 and 8 and was successfully completed during Term 3 2014 in 180 schools across Australia. More than 5,400 students took part in the survey, which collected valuable information on various aspects of young people’s wellbeing.

The ACWP research team would like to thank all state and Catholic education departments, participating schools, their staff, parents and students who participated in this survey. It is their generosity and enthusiasm that facilitated this survey.

This website describes the ACWP project and provides public access to the surveys, reports, findings and the ACWP Database. These files will be of use to health and education researchers who would like to undertake their own secondary analysis of the ACWP data.

Children depicted on this website are
models and not research participants.

Watch the video, find out more...

The ACWP from ACER on VimeoACER Video.ii

Contact us

Associate Professor Gerry Redmond
School of Social and Policy Studies
Flinders University
Flinders University

Dr Petra Lietz
Australian Council for Educational Research

Flinders Uni